When deciding on a teak deck, you may decide to go with white or grey caulking. Manufacturers and boating associations provide many technical details on how to maintain white and gray caulking, but rather than burden yourself with tons of information, read on to understand the unique properties of these non-black caulks and what you need to do to keep them in top shape.
Visibility is a Key Issue
At the risk of stating the obvious, a lighter color means you’ll more easily see dirty and other contaminants. This means you’ll need to be more vigilant versus a more forgiving black caulking, which helps hide dirt. If you have a current cleaning schedule, note beforehand that you’ll need to dedicate more time to cleaning. With proper care, your white or gray caulking will look like new for a long time, but you will need to take care of it.
Cleaning Your Caulking
Keep your caulking clean to prevent problems from going beyond an aesthetic problem into a functional one requiring DIY restoration. It’s important to use a high-quality cleaner, so grab one that is US Clean marina and MARPOL compliant, such as ECO-100 Teak Cleaner Powder. If you’re not familiar with environmental compliance, it’s a good opportunity to brush up if you’ll be doing a new form of cleaning.
Timing is Critical
Again, black caulking is more forgiving, but you can keep lighter caulking looking great by adapting your behavior. One of the most critical things to start doing is cleaning any messes immediately. Whether it’s fish blood, diesel, or wine, these materials will very quickly stain lighter caulking. Not only should your cleaner be powerful, it should be readily available.
It might also be a good idea to have a plan in place to prevent such spills. If you’re used to allowing materials like these to be spread out on your teak deck because you had black caulking in the past, it’s a good time to analyze how you can adjust activities on your yacht to be more tidy.
Consult a Leader in Yacht Refinishing
Grey and white caulking has become very fashionable in recent years, with many notable trendsetters opting for the lighter look. With proper care, it is possible to keep white or grey caulking looking fantastic, but you will need to carefully clean your caulking and prevent stains.
If you’re considering white or grey caulking, consult an expert in yacht teak decking. It’s important to always have a full understanding of your teak deck’s health before making any major decisions, such as installing one of the newer teak deck systems for boats. Chi Yacht Refinishing is a team of about 22 professionals with countless years of combined experience in teak decking services for yachts. From caulking to installing new teak decks and much more, contact Chi Yacht Refinishing today to get the job done right so you can get back to relaxing on your boat fast!