Whether you’re thinking about hiring a yacht painting services provider like Chi Yacht Services to repaint your yacht, or you’re considering a DIY yacht paint job, you may have some questions about yacht painting and fairing.
That’s why we’re here! We’re going to reveal 3 of the secrets to yacht painting and refinishing – that the other yacht painting companies won’t tell you. Take a look, and get better insights into the process of fairing and painting your yacht.
- It All Starts With Yacht Preparation
This is one thing that most DIY yacht painters – and even some other yacht painting companies – don’t understand. Without proper preparation and groundwork, you will always get sub-par results.
Failing to properly sand your boat before painting, for example, can lead to “chunky” paint that’s unsightly and more likely to chip and peel. In the same vein, failing to prime your boat properly may reduce the ability of the paint to adhere to the boat’s surface, causing it to slough off or peel.
You simply cannot ignore the process of yacht preparation. Whether you are doing a DIY yacht restoration project, or hiring a professional yacht refinishing service, ensure that proper steps are taken to prepare your yacht – before painting.
- Great Results Take Time – There Are No Shortcuts
Do you want the best results for your yacht paint job? If so, you must understand that there is no way to rush the process of painting a yacht.
Initial sanding, for example, can take multiple days. All damaged and peeling paint areas must be sanded with multiple grits to remove paint and smooth out the surface. Even after this, any damaged areas must be filled with fairing compounds or putty – and then the process must be repeated.
Then, multiple coats (usually 2-3) of primer must be applied, and each coat must be sanded to ensure it bonds properly. Only after this can the final coats of paint be applied. Even then, buffing and polishing may be required to bring out the shine and finish of the paint.
All of this is to say that you must not rush the job if you want the best results. Yacht painting takes time – especially when waiting for coats of primer or paint to dry. Trying to take shortcuts will always result in sub-par results.
- When It Comes To Fairing Compounds, Epoxy Is King
A common question from yacht owners is “What fairing compound is right for me?” The answer varies depending on their particular needs, but we usually recommend epoxy fairing compounds for the vast majority of boat repairs, rather than polyester or vinyl ester resins.
Because epoxy boasts better adhesion, an increased resistance to osmosis (water penetration), and it is stronger and stiffer than other fairing compounds. In addition, it’s more resistant to crazing, it is not prone to shrinkage, and it boasts superior post-cure bond strength.
The only disadvantage of epoxy fairing compound is that it is quite expensive. If your yacht has quite a few patches that may be repaired, it could end up costing you quite a bit of money.
Still, for all the reasons listed above, we believe that epoxy fairing is almost always the best choice for refinishing and restoring a yacht.
Get More Yacht Refinishing Secrets From Chi Yacht Refinishing Today!
If you’re looking for yacht painting in Fort Lauderdale, and you need a reliable and trustworthy yacht painting services provider, look no further than Chi Yacht Refinishing.
From smaller yachts and pleasure cruisers, to large multi-million dollar yachts, we’ve painted and restored every kind of boat. You can trust our expertise and insider knowledge to provide you with truly excellent results. Contact us now to get started!